Dr. R. Kevin O’Brien Answers

LOGO WITH PHONE #S 180pixelBy Aria Dunham

One of our Twitter followers asked @DrRKevinOBrien:

What is better to use on a sore neck? Hot or cold packs?

Good question! But just like any good question, it raises more questions.

Is this a recent injury?

Or is this a situation where the area was aggravated by exercise, poor sleep?

Is the feeling “pain” or “general stiffness?”

If the neck is sore due to a recent injury, the first measure to take is application of a cold pack. By doing this the inflammation in the area will be reduced by slowing down the flow of circulation, the body’s natural response to injury.

However, if this is a general stiffness issue, it is best to apply a hot pack to the area. The rule of thumb for applying heat is to limit heat exposure to no more than 15-20 minute increments at a time. Some individuals need more time to obtain relief from pain associated with stiffness. In these types of cases, a patient can alternate between hot and cold packs from 15-20 minutes beginning with heat.

The problem with keeping a heating pad on a sore area for longer than 20 minutes at a time is that it actually creates circulation and then increasing pain. Often times a patient will say that they felt heat didn’t relieve their stiffness but actually resulted in pain. The first question I ask at that point is, “How long did you use the heating pad.” Almost always the answer is that they used it for longer than suggested.

Again, if this injury is a recent one caused by a fall, or an auto injury, etc, do what you can to help relieve the pain. However, an assessment of the condition by a professional, is key to ensuring the safety and efficacy of the solution.

Email your question to Dr. R. Kevin O’Brien at drobrien@shpwellness.com or call 561-684-9200

To help pass the wait time of using your cold or hot pack, I’d like to share this recent video The Pug Head Tilt by American’s Funniest Home Videos.


Physical Therapy can Help Arthritis

LOGO WITH PHONE #S 180pixelBy Aria Dunham

Is your pain persistent?

Feel joint discomfort when you move during regular activity?

Does it hurt to hold an object in your hand?

You may suffer from arthritis, a common condition resulting from joint inflammation. In fact, experts say that nearly 70,000 American adults suffer from this condition, which has more than 200 forms.

Bad news. Left untreated, irreversible damage can result to joints, bones, organs and skin.

Good news. There is treatment and hope with strength training, exercise, and flexibility exercises.

Often pain felt when first starting new moves frightens a person and they stop for fear of causing harm. Truth is that there are specific exercises and proper form that can be learned when guided by a licensed physical therapist.

The benefit of working with a physical therapist is that the movement can be practiced and learned in proper form. A plan can be set by the therapist on what types of exercises to practice and home. It helps to have a professional track progress, and push you when it is appropriate.ariana jackson

Flexibility exercises are also a wonderful way to relieve stiffness and increase movement in the joints through their full range of motion.

Sometimes people affected by arthritis will keep their joints bent, not realizing that they may cause permanent loss of mobility. A licensed profession is trained on how to help gently straighten and bend the joints in a controlled manner. A physical therapist can show you the right order to perform your stretching exercises, too.

If you, or anyone you love is suffering from pain that might be arthritis related, we are here to help. Call our office to learn how affordable physical therapy can be. Can you afford not to?

SHP Rehab & Wellness Center, Inc. @ 561-684-9200.

Eat These and Live Longer [Video]

Anti Inflammation Diet [Video]

Crickety – Crack – Cold and your back

LOGO WITH PHONE #S 180pixelBy Aria Dunham

Changes in season, may be mirrored by the feelings that your body get when cold weather begins to visit–even in the hottest of states, such as Sunny Florida. If the slightest drop in temperature affects the natural movement of your body, you may suffer from back arthritis, particularly if you have ever been involved in an accident or slip and fall.

Take this symptom quiz:

Do spine movements become stiff and painful?

Do you suffer from leg pain, tingling, or difficulty walking?

Are your symptoms worse in the morning and progressively ease during the day?

Have you felt a tightening sensation around the lower part of your back, particularly around the area of your spine?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, there may be a variety of underlying causes.

There are over-the-counter remedies that may help add heat and bring a sense of temporary relief to the problem. However, in the end, the real source of healing can only come via frequent treatment modalities used by a licensed physical therapist.

What can a licensed physical therapist do for your back that you can’t do alone?

1. Create a treatment plan that includes a thorough assessment of your needs.

2. Taking into consideration your history of the problem assist you in learning new ways of moving physically to not only alleviate pain, but to also strengthen the core muscle groups that support the spine.

3. During a physical therapy session, a therapist can push you further than you might go on your own, but also tell you when to safely stop.

A good physical treatment plan helps you to create a plan of action between visits.

Perhaps you think that physical therapy is something that isn’t affordable for your lifestyle. Calculate what it costs a person to lose sleep, or to not function at their peak performance? Do you miss time from work? Do you have to limit your involvment with family and sports so to not make the pain worse? What could be more expensive than the loss of full living?

In fact, most visits–even out of pocket– are about the cost of a meal for two at a restaurant. Now, that’s budget friendly!

Call us today @ 561-684-9200 to see how we can help you and your back move forward this holiday season. Perhaps the change of season will bring a greater change to your overall spinal health, too.